I'm making our 2010 Calendar this year. First time I've ever done a calendar, I'm having lots of fun with it, so I will probably make one every year! This year's is "hybrid" which means that part of it is paper products that I've purchased and the other part is from digital kits that I've printed out on my home printer. Each month is different from the month before as far a papers, colors and embellishments. The "days" are the same, which is a "slide frame" that looks like its been covered with old masking tape that I got in a free digital scrapbooking kit. I use a rubber stamp to stamp the numbers on them and any Birthday's/Holidays that are in that month then run them through my Zyron and stick 'em down. I've written the days of the week at the top and used random embellishments and supplies to "fill out" the page. Here are a few months...